ISIE2021- Kyoto (The 30th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics)

20th (Sun) -23rd (Wed) June, 2021
Miyako Messe, Kyoto, Japan

Special Sessions

ISIE2021 moved from hybrid to full online conference.

With the development of COVID-19, the on-site conference was unfortunately cancelled due to the Japanese government declaring a state of emergency for pandemics in the metropolitan area and urban areas including Kyoto.
As a result, ISIE2021 moved from hybrid to full online conference.

All participation is required to attend their sessions online using Zoom and InfoVaya Virtual Platform.

Special sessions provide the opportunity to focus in detail on particular emerging topics, which are not covered in the conference's main technical tracks, and/or to represent a specific progressive area where researchers would like to meet and discuss advances.

The deadline for proposing special sessions has now passed. Session organizers can find instructions here.

Special sessions

The list of approved special sessions for ISIE2021 is as follows. Details for each session can be found below.

Special session details

SS01 : Energy Storage System Modeling and Monitoring System

  • Bharat Balagopal, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Mo-Yuen Chow, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Federico Baronti, University of Pisa, Italy

Energy storage devices are being used widely in multiple applications – from consumer level and large-scale energy storage in power systems. This has led to increased research in the areas of new energy storage technologies (chemistries, designs, etc.), utilization patterns (charging/discharging profiles, energy management) and modeling methods. This special section aims at collecting new results on modeling approaches that are being designed, developed or implemented to monitor and control modern energy storage systems in their applications.

  • Battery modelling
  • New storage technologies
  • Energy Storage Applications
  • System Identification
  • State Estimation
  • Degradation/Aging prediction and diagnosis
  • Battery Management
  • Parameter Identification
  • Optimal management of energy storage devices

SS02 : Energy Storage Systems for Electric Vehicles

  • Bharat Balagopal, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Mo-Yuen Chow, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Chengbin Ma, University of Michigan - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, China

Electric Vehicles are increasing in popularity over the last decade. Energy storage systems play a very critical role in the operation of electric vehicles. This has led to research on developing technologies for better battery management, improved and accurate range assessment, fleet charging, etc. This special section focuses on highlighting the technologies that are designed, developed or implemented to monitor, control and operate the energy storage systems in electric vehicles for improved safety and efficiency when they are being operated.

  • Battery Monitoring for EVs
  • Novel battery pack designs for improved performance
  • Range assessment
  • Optimal management of energy storage devices
  • Fleet charging/discharging optimization

SS03 : Machine Vision, Control and Navigation

  • Oleg Sergiyenko, Engineering Institute of Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico
  • Julio C. Rodríguez-Quiñonez, Engineering Institute of Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico
  • Dr. Wendy Flores-Fuentes, Engineering Faculty of Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico

The integration of machine vision, navigation algorithms, communication in robotic groups, and control has become an important challenge for autonomous robot navigation. Moreover, enhanced machine vision systems such as those developed through deep neural networks constantly provide new applications. Accordingly, it is an important task to determine the most effective approaches of machine vision. Although our primary interest is in automatic systems in all their aspects, several control, communication, and navigation applications have close relations with these systems. Each contribution, application, or innovation, for any of these fields are welcome in this special session.

  • Autonomousnavigation
  • Machine vision with deep learning
  • Laserscanning
  • Innovative solutions in stereo vision applications
  • Vision-based target detection and tracking
  • Visual servoing techniques in mobile robots
  • Visualcontrolwithconstraints
  • Swarmrobotics
  • Robot communication
  • Surfacemappingandrecognition

SS04 : Modeling and optimal design methodologies for electric machines

  • Mohamed Nabil Ibrahim, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Vladimir Prakht, Ural Federal University, Russia
  • Zhongze Wu, University of Bath, United Kingdom

Electric machine is the main core of electric drives in industrial, transportation and domestic applications, as well as in traditional and renewable energy generation systems, for example, in wind and hydro generators. In order to evaluate the electric machine performance for a given application requirements, a model to represent the machine behavior is always required. The model accuracy and methodology could vary depending on the requirements of the application. Furthermore, in order to reach the requirements of the application, an optimal design of the machine is also required. Most of the requirements for electrical machine design are in contradiction to each other (reduction in volume or mass, increase in efficiency and power density etc.). Therefore finding a design that will achieve all of them can be a massive task due to a large number of parameters whose effects on the machine performance and quality of the design are strongly coupled. Therefore, an optimal design methodology of electric machines is always necessary. This special session aims to collect papers to report the modeling and optimal design methodologies of electric machines.

  • Analytical models (electromagnetic, thermal, ...etc.) of electric machines
  • Numerical models (Finite Element Method, Boundary Element Method ,... etc.) of electric machines
  • Multi-physics models of electric machines
  • Lifetime modeling of electric machines
  • Losses modelling of electric machines
  • Optimal design methodologies of electric machines
  • Optimization techniques for fast and efficient optimal design of electric machines

SS05 : Autonomous Vehicles-supported Last-mile Delivery

  • Hailong Huang, University of New South Wales, Australia
  • Chao Huang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • Dazhong Ma, Northeastern University, China
  • Seokcheon Lee, Purdue University, USA
  • Hsin-Hung Cho, National Ilan University, Taiwan

In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous ground vehicles (AGVs), have been recognized as promising means for future logistics by many companies such as Amazon, UPS,, etc. They combine technological features matching current trends in transport industry and society like autonomy, flexibility, and agility. Since they are mostly powered by onboard battery, they are more environmentally friendly than conventional goods vehicles. This Special Section focuses on presenting new techniques and approaches on the design and practises of autonomous vehicles-supported last-mile parcel delivery.

  • Motion control and path planning of UAVs and/or AGVs
  • Battery management
  • Solar-powered UAVs and/or AGVs
  • Resource allocation and scheduling of UAVs and/or AGVs
  • Facility (such as warehouse, charging station, etc) deployment • Facility and resource sharing
  • Transit network based UAV parcel delivery
  • Dynamic decision making

SS06 : Recent Advances in Multilevel Inverters for Renewable Energy Integration

  • Hasan Komurcugil, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey
  • Sertac Bayhan, Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Qatar
  • Haitham Abu-Rub, Texas A&M; University at Qatar, Qatar

Renewable energy sources can be used to feed loads in stand-alone systems, or be connected to the grid through various power converter topologies. However, power electronics interfacing is required to ensure system stability, reliability, voltage regulation, power flow control, along with various ancillary services. High quality generated energy is of high concern while using minimum size of filters. Multilevel inverters improve the power quality at reduced switching frequency. In the last decade, various multilevel inverter topologies, modulation techniques, and control strategies have been developed for various applications. Hence, the use of multilevel inverters in renewable energy applications is of high importance.

  • Multilevel inverters for photovoltaic systems
  • Multilevel inverters for wind energy systems
  • Multilevel inverters for fuel-cell systems
  • Topology modifications applied to renewable energy systems
  • Power quality control and management
  • MPPT algorithms and modulation techniques
  • Control methods of multilevel inverters including capacitor voltage balancing methods
  • Modeling techniques applied to multilevel converters

SS07 : Emerging Technology and Applications of Wireless Power Transfer

  • Minfan Fu, Shanghai Tech University, China
  • Ming Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  • Chengbin Ma, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

We are already living in a world where smart and/or autonomous systems can do what humans could only do before. Cutting the last power cord of these systems becomes particularly attractive and necessary. Wireless power transfer (WPT) has shown many advantages in practice and is becoming an enabling technology for numerous emerging applications. According to specific specifications, various WPT technologies have been explored through different coupling mechanisms, such as near-field inductive power transfer, capacitive power transfer, beam-based or wave- based microwave power transfer, and acoustic power transfer. For those technologies, innovative circuit design, parameter optimization and control are always essential for realizing high-performance WPT systems operating in dynamic environments.

  • Near-field WPT;
  • Far-field WPT;
  • Coupler design and compensation networks;
  • Power conversion circuits (inverters, rectifiers, etc.);
  • Sensing, control, and implementation;
  • Electromagnetic interference issues;
  • Energy harvesting;
  • Power transfer for IoT applications;
  • Other emerging applications.

SS08 : Intelligent Edge Learning for Industrial IoT

  • Mithun Mukherjee, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China
  • Mian Guo, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, China
  • Jaime Lloret, University of Valencia, Spain and Staffordshire University, UK
  • Liu Yaohua, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China

The intelligent edge computing paradigm for industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is taking its shape where we envision it as: an edge computing system that realizes the computing, communication, and caching resources using data analytic platform and harvesting the potential benefits of artificial intelligence to improve the system utility. There will be new opportunities for, i.e., supporting real-time manufacturing and intelligent smart factory. However, many fundamental questions arise at the same time. For example, due to the computing and wireless network resource constraints, how and where to process the IoT data that is generated from massive distributed IoT devices are significant issues. Therefore, edge computing that is being actively investigated by many researchers in several technologies is yet to be applied to intelligent edge learning to support IIoT. Moreover, the selection of a learning algorithm will become a significant factor to be considered. The goal of the special session is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers and researchers to discuss and exchange novel ideas, results, experiences and work-in-progress on all aspects of intelligent edge learning for industrial IoT.
Academics and industry experts are now advocating for going from large- centralized cloud computing infrastructures to computing nodes located at the edge of the network in industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). However, many fundamental questions arise at the same time. For example, how and where to process the learning data are significant issues due to the resource constraints for processing of the raw data at the master and controlled domain. Therefore, edge learning that is being actively investigated by many researchers in several technologies is yet to be applied to intelligent edge computing support engines. Moreover, the selection of a learning algorithm will become a significant factor to be considered. The goal of the special session is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers and researchers to discuss and exchange novel ideas, results, experiences and work-in-progress on all aspects of intelligent edge learning for industrial IoT.

  • Edge, fog, and mobile edge computing for Industrial IoT
  • Machine learning and computational intelligence for handling big data in Industrial applications
  • Information-centric networking and software-defined network for edge intelligence
  • Intelligent edge-based mobile computing and analysis
  • Multimedia QoS, and traffic management in industrial networks
  • Real-time communication interfaces and protocols
  • Intelligent infrastructures at the edge
  • Hardware testbed or field trial for AI-driven intelligent edge computing for industrial applications
  • Security and related considerations in intelligent edge computing
  • Intelligent routing and load balancing for edge computing
  • Multiple access technologies for edge computing
  • Network protocols for distributed machine learning

SS09 : Advances in Mechatronic Systems, Human Factors, and System interaction

  • Jinhua She, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
  • Sho Yokota, Toyo University, Japan
  • Mihoko Niitsuma, Chuo University, Japan
  • Gabor Sziebig, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway

Along with the rapid progress in the fields of human factors and mechatronics, the importance of human factors in the development and operation of mechatronic systems has been widely recognized. This special session provides people a platform to present their new research results, and to discuss the state- of-the-art research topics and challenges in the related fields with broad interest. Contributors are welcome to submit their papers to this special session including human factors theory, robotics, mechatronics, behavioural and social sciences, design, health, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, haptics, etc.

  • approaches to standardizing display and control of technologies
  • biological control
  • human-agent teaming
  • perceptual and cognitive abilities of robots
  • prediction of mechatronic behaviour
  • real-world implications for human-robot interaction
  • open possibilities for use of robots, where it was not common before
  • develop module driven robots o synthetic vision systems,
  • system reliability

SS10 : Advanced Control of Grid-Connected Inverters for Distributed Generation and Power Quality

  • Hadi Y. Kanaan, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon
  • Kamal Al-Haddad, Ecole de Technologie Supérieure, Canada
  • Hasan Komurcugil, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey
  • Mohammad Sharifzadeh, Ecole de Technologie Supérieure, Canada
  • Fadia Sebaaly, Ecole de Technologie Supérieure, Canada

Renewable sources, such as photovoltaic panels, wind generators and fuel cells, are usually connected directly to the grid for cogeneration. This connection is made through power electronics interfaces that should ensure high stability, voltage regulation, power flow control, and low electromagnetic emission, along with high power density, low cost and high reliability. In some applications where high power level is required, the switching frequency of the power semiconductors is limited and the use of multilevel or interleaved converters becomes mandatory in order to get an acceptable power quality. This session addresses the issues of advanced control techniques applied to such converters to improve their performance, efficiency, reliability and cost-effectiveness.

  • Advanced control of multilevel inverters
  • Advanced control of power electronics in DC grids
  • Grid-connectivity control requirements
  • Control of paralleled or interleaved topologies
  • Modeling and model-based control of switch-mode power converters
  • Optimal control in hybrid cogeneration systems
  • Predictive control of power converters
  • Intelligent control of power converters
  • Direct power control of power converters
  • Power quality control in renewable energy systems
  • New PWM techniques for power electronics control
  • Real-time control and simulations of high power converters

SS11 : Modern Power Conversion Schemes for Electric Vehicles

  • Oscar Lucia, University of Zaragoza, Spain
  • Kazuhiro Umetani, Tohoku University, Japan
  • Wilmar Martinez, Leuven University, Belgium

Transportation electrification is called to change the power conversion and actuation paradigm in all types of electric vehicles (EVs) including cars, trains, ships, and planes, among others. In these applications, power electronics play a major role to implement systems with improved performance and efficiency, and reduced volume, weight, and cost. This special session aims at covering disruptive advances in power electronic technologies applied to EVs and fostering innovation that will conduct a significant technology change with major social, economic, and industrial impact.

  • New topologies and control strategies for EV motor drives.
  • PFC topologies and control for EVs.
  • DC-DC topologies and control for battery management.
  • Design using wide-bandgap semiconductors.
  • Advanced magnetic component design and optimization for EVs.
  • Advanced power converter control architectures: advanced control ICs, FPGA, ASIC, among others.
  • Optimization of electric drivetrains in EVs
  • New energy management architectures: Station (fast) charger, on-board charger, wireless power transfer chargers, bidirectional systems.

SS12 : Advanced Topologies and Control Techniques for Multilevel Converters

  • Mohammad Sharifzadeh, ETS, Canada
  • Kamal Al-Haddad, ETS, Canada
  • Hadi Kanaan, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon

Multilevel converters including DC/AC and AC/DC are nowadays used in various industrial, commercial, and domestic applications such as grid-connected systems, rectifiers, active power filter, UPS, electrical drives, etc. This converter makes use of abundant number of power semiconductor devices that should be properly controlled to have maximum efficiency. The primary challenge is to find appropriate topology, design the suitable PWM switching techniques, and apply the appropriate controller. Moreover, since the multilevel converters have nonlinear character, closed loop based system using advanced controllers such as sliding mode, model predictive, adaptive, intelligent methods to meet the targeted application. Therefore, this special session concentrates on the lasts development of multilevel converters topologies, control and device switching techniques but not limited to.

  • PWM modulation technique for multilevel inverters
  • Innovative and intelligent closed loop control strategies
  • Novel current based control design for renewable energy generation using grid-connected converters
  • Recent development techniques for common mode voltage control and drives application
  • Machine learning and deep learning techniques for Power Electronics application
  • Industrial applications in the area of power quality, electrification and transportation, UPS, etc.

SS13 : Control Algorithms for Low Inertia Converter Dominated Power Systems

  • Miguel Torres, Universidad de O’Higgins, Chile
  • Reinaldo Tonkoski, South Dakota State University, USA
  • Carlos Baier, Universidad de Talca, Chile

Massive integration of electronic power converters represents a paradigm shift in the way grid control is performed. When power converters represent a significant share of the generation capacity or in the case of weak grids with low mechanical inertia, novel control strategies are required to operate the grid. Control algorithms to support critical tasks such as fast frequency control in power systems have been proposed in the last decade, however, novel advancements are required to ensure power quality and reliability in low inertia power systems. In addition, modeling the interaction of such controllers in large power systems becomes a challenge. This Special Session aims to discuss the main advancements on fast frequency support in low inertia converter dominated power systems including new control methods, and ways to operate them..

  • Ancillary services provided by virtual synchronous machines.
  • Fast frequency control implementation in multi-inverter/hybrid power plants.
  • Fast frequency control with different converter topologies.
  • Fast frequency control with hybrid energy storage systems.
  • Fast frequency control with renewable energy plants.
  • Modelling, techno-economic analysis and simulation of virtual synchronous machines.
  • Parameter adaptation techniques in fast frequency control.
  • Analysis of performance and limiting factors of fast frequency control algorithms.

SS14 : Advanced Technologies and Applications of Motion Control

  • Michael Ruderman, University of Agder, Norway
  • Makoto Iwasaki, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
  • Kenta Seki, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

Motion control continues to represent one of the major challenges in the design of modern smart systems and applications. By means of versatile interaction with the environment and number of other interfacing and networked components enclosed in the overall process of motion systems, the motion control technologies are also transferring from being lumped and predefined concepts and paradigms to more adaptable and distributed structures, linking control loops and motion control objects. Varieties of mechatronic applications require advanced motion control techniques, realized by integrating advanced sensing, actuation, and control designs. Advanced motion control techniques in various mechatronic systems should bring innovative solutions and high quality of life. The purpose of this special session is to provide an opportunity for researchers from academia and industry to discuss their latest theoretical and technological achievements in motion control systems, stimulate new ideas and encourage future collaborations between experts in the field.

  • Advanced motion control in mechatronics
  • Compliant, flexible, and soft controlled mechanisms
  • Intelligent and adaptive motion control systems
  • Hybrid and discrete motion control systems
  • Motion control systems with human-in-the-loop
  • Visual servo systems in motion control
  • Related topics involving motion systems dynamics and control

SS15 : Motion Control and Robust Control for Robotics and Manipulators

  • Ligang Wu, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China
  • Jianxing Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China
  • Weiran Yao, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China
  • Guanghui Sun, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China
  • Jose Ignacio LEON GALVAN, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

In recent decades, robotics have greatly promoted the transformation and upgrading of equipment manufacturing, medical systems, service and other industries. Especially in aerospace, military, disaster relief, extreme environment operation and other special scenes, robotics have an irreplaceable position. In the applications of robots, the robustness, safety and efficiency of motion control system are still an open problem, and the motion control and robust control have always been a hot topic. This special session focuses on (but it is not limited to) the robotics motion control and robust control with multi-input-multi-output, high nonlinearity, strong coupling, and uncertainties including parameter perturbation, external interference and unmodeled dynamics, among others.

  • Motion control and motion planning
  • Robust control for robotics and manipulators
  • Neural network for robotics and manipulators
  • Sliding mode control for robotics and manipulators
  • Active disturbance rejection control for robotics and manipulators
  • Dexterous manipulation for robotics and manipulators
  • Model-based predictive control for robotics and manipulators
  • Adaptive control for robotics and manipulators
  • Deep learning in robotics and automation
  • Optimization and optimal control

SS16 : Multilevel Converters: Topologies, Control and Modulation Techniques and Applications

  • Jose I. Leon, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • Abraham Marquez, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • Jon Xabier Balenciaga, Ingeteam Power Technology, Spain

Currently, medium-voltage high-power converters have become a mature and attractive solution for a wide variety of applications. The effort of the researchers and industry has leaded to a rapid development of different converter topologies, modulation techniques and control strategies. In addition, other interesting research topics such as the fault tolerant operation, reduction of power losses, optimized control strategies and new applications are also important.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Converter topologies for adjustable speed drives
  • Converters for renewable energy applications
  • Converters for power quality and stability applications such as active filter, STATCOM, FACTS, etc
  • Converters for high-voltage DC transmission
  • Rectifiers and applications in regenerative systems
  • New modulation strategies and control strategies for high-power converters
  • Common mode voltage reduction methods in high-power inverters
  • Fault tolerant capability of high-power converters
  • High efficiency high-power converters
  • Multilevel multiphase converters
  • New medium-voltage high-power converter topologies

SS17 : Advances on Modular Power Electronics for High-Reliability Applications

  • Giampaolo Buticchi, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
  • Abraham Marquez Alcaide, University of Seville, Spain
  • Andrii Chub, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

Modular converters have been studied extensively in the past decades, but only recently, thanks to the technological development and the advances of the computational power, they have been used to their full potential. In addition to the possibility of handling an increased power with respect to the non-modular solutions, the many degrees of freedom that they offer can be used for multi-objective controls, including, but not limited to, reliability and electric machine operation optimization.

  • Multi-objective control for Modular converter
  • Harmonic Analysis and Modulation Techniques
  • Reliability-oriented control and design
  • Fault-tolerant control for modular converters
  • Fault-tolerant topologies for modular converters
  • Solutions for inter-module communication and synchronization
  • On-line temperature/damage estimation and fault detection methods
  • Multiphase machine control for high-reliability applications (aerospace, shipboard)

SS18 : Emerging Power Electronics for Inductive Power Transfer

  • Chunhua Liu, City University of Hong Kong, HK SAR
  • C. Q. Jiang, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Zhen Zhang, Tianjin University, China
  • Christopher H. T. Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Inductive power transfer (IPT) has attracted more and more attention due to the rapid development of power electronics, Electric Vehicles (EVs), consumer electronics, and robots. Since the IPT technology enjoys the merits of convenience, low maintenance, reliability, safety, automation, and electrical isolation, more and more academic researchers and industries are getting involved in the wireless charging area. Thus, the IPT shows significant meanings for charging portable electronic devices, automatic robots, integrated circuits, and electric vehicles, etc. This session aims to provide a timely opportunity for academic researchers and industrial engineers to present, discuss, and exchange the latest results and findings of IPT technologies on the semiconductor technologies, power electronic topologies, compensation network design, electromagnetic field theory, as well as the future development of high power applications.

  • Novel SiC and GaN converters for IPT
  • Optimized switching techniques for high power IPT
  • Wireless charging for electric vehicles
  • Wireless charging systems for robots and smart home appliances
  • Electromagnetic compatibility and safety designs
  • New materials and topologies for magnetic core
  • Multiple-frequency multiple-objective IPT applications
  • Emerging applications such as wireless motor, lighting, heating, etc.
  • Review paper on IPT techniques and development.

SS19 : Modelling, simulation, protection and control of smart grids

  • Omar H. Abdalla, Helwan University, Egypt
  • Hady H. Fayek, Heliopolis University, Egypt
  • Andrea Benigni, FZ-Jülich, Germany
  • Panos Kotsampopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  • Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno, Italy

Smart grids are power systems with expected high quality of service, security, stability, efficiency and high renewable generation share. To achieve these objectives the following aspects would be considered in the future grids: wide area measurement systems, real time control and protection, self-healing schemes, strategies to achieve high hosting capacity for renewable energies, optimal operation in terms of technical, environmental, social and economic aspects.
This special session is focusing on novel methods in modelling and simulation of smart grids including all parts in terms of distributed generation, ICT storage, etc.
The special issue is also discussing modern methods to control and protect smart grids targeting high reliability and security.

  • Modelling of smart grids and microgrids
  • Real time simulation, control, and protection of modern power systems
  • Self-healing smart grids
  • Modern control techniques of power systems and microgrids
  • Modern protection techniques of smart grids
  • Advances in HIL testing of smart grid/microgrid controllers
  • Advanced energy management systems, wide area protection, and control
  • IoT applications in smart grids
  • Modelling, simulation, and protection of ICT in smart grids and microgrids
  • Optimal operation of smart grids and microgrids
  • Modelling, simulation, and control of renewable energies in smart grids and microgrids
  • Advanced design, modelling, simulation, and control of inverter based smart grids
  • Smart grid as a tool for achieving sustainable development goals
  • Virtual power plants role in smart grids
  • Modelling, simulation and control of EVs in smart grids

SS20 : Reliability analysis and improvement methods for industrial systems

  • Zhongliang Li, Aix-Marseille University, France
  • Yue Zhao, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China
  • Zhixue Zheng, University of Lorraine, France
  • Xiaojie Su, Chongqing University, P.R. China
  • Jianxing Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China

High reliability and durability is required for modern industrial systems in, for instance, transportation and energy sectors. These systems often show complex characteristics, such as high nonlinearity, multivariate, multiple space and time scales, and interconnect with other systems within complex hierarchical structures. These characteristics are challenging the traditional system analysis and control design methods and calling for new thinking and ideas to realize reliability analysis and improvement. Meanwhile, as the data measured in the industrial systems accumulated, the data-driven and machine learning methods could be considered as tools serving for system reliability analysis and improvement. All these methods can further be reinforced by combining emerging technologies including smart sensing, advanced wireless communications, cloud computing, digital twins. In this consideration, this special session is to gather recent new studies dealing with the reliability analysis and improvement methods for various industrial systems.

  • Advanced sensor technologies (smart sensors, micro-sensors, etc.)
  • Fault detection, diagnosis and analysis methods.
  • Prognostics and health management (PHM) for industrial systems.
  • Data-driven and partial data-driven system identification and analysis methods.
  • Machine-learning based methods for reliability analysis and improvement.
  • Online learning or self-adaptation methods for modelling, diagnosis and control.
  • Fault tolerance/prevention control methods.
  • Predictive maintenance.

SS21 : Communication, Computing, Networking and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems

  • Shichao Liu, Carleton University, Canada
  • Yabin Gao, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China
  • Chengwei Wu, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China
  • Jianxing Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China

Theme: A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a large-scale networked control system in which a mechanism is controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms. The CPS involves transdisciplinary approaches, merging theory of cybernetics, mechatronics, design and process science. In the last decade, common applications of CPS have typically fallen under sensor-based communication-enabled autonomous systems, such as smart grid and intelligent sensoring and control technologies in the application of industrial electronics. This special session solicits unpublished research work related to the latest challenges, technologies, solutions, methods and fundamentals pertaining to communication, computing, networking, control in CPSs.

  • Smart grid
  • Security and privacy
  • Intelligent transportation systems
  • Wireless sensor networks
  • Cooperation of multi-robot or multi vehicles
  • New sensing platform and senses computing
  • Advanced control and estimation techniques
  • Distributed computing
  • Internet of things
  • Networking and communication techniques

SS22 : Power Electronics for Energy Access and Off-Grid Systems

  • A. Rakesh Kumar, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, India
  • Parthasarathi Subudhi, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Kiran Pandav, Qatar University, Qatar
  • Mahajan Sagar Bhaskar, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia
  • Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University, Denmark

Affordable and Clean Energy is the objective of UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 where all the means and ways to achieve 100% electricity to all is being worked out. Renewable energy sources such as PV, Wind energy, hydro power is considered as clean energy. Power electronics can play a key role in integrating the various renewable energy sources to the point of load. It can be achieved through scaled down converter prototypes and distributed converter prototypes.

  • Solutions for energy access
  • Low and medium voltage microgrids
  • Automated microgrids
  • DC Nanogrid
  • Decentralized converter system
  • Distributed converter system
  • Real time implementations
  • Optimization of energy sources

SS23 : Data Robotics and Internet of Production

  • Seiichiro Katsura, Keio University, Japan
  • Matthias Brockmann, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
  • Takahiro Endo, Kyoto University, Japan
  • Issei Takeuchi, Tokyo Automatic Machinery Works, Japan

Data robotics and Internet of production is key technology for development of future robots and intelligent machines. Especially, data applications based on AI technique are expected. The scope of this special session is to present the most innovative results to the large audience of ISIE 2021.

  • AI and Control
  • Haptics and Human Support
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Recognition of Human Motion
  • Intelligent Manufacturing
  • Database and Monitoring
  • Data Acquisition

SS24 : Intelligent Sensing Applications for Human Assistive Systems

  • Naoki Motoi, Kobe University, Japan
  • Shin-ichi Ito, Tokushima University, Japan
  • Hiroshi Igarashi, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
  • Sota Shimizu, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan

The recent advances of sensing technology are expected to contribute to intelligent systems in future human assistive applications. The sensory factors may involve broad functions in system integration, therefore the session focuses on human factors, IoT and human assistive systems. For example, the human intention is expected to be estimated by several physical information. Furthermore, how to apply the detected sensor information is a key for the assistive systems, e.g. power assist wheeled chairs, human life support, remote control systems. This session aims to discuss new trends of sensing and its applications for emerging system functions, mobility and robotics.

  • Innovative Sensing Instruments
  • Sensor-based Assistive Control for Robotic Systems
  • Sensor-based Human Assistive Applications/Devices
  • Signal Processing for Sensing Applications
  • Human-Machine Interactions

SS25 : Force Control and Force Sensing for Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics

  • Yasutaka Fujimoto, Yokohama National University, Japan
  • Kiyoshi Ohishi, Nagaoka University of Tech., Japan
  • Sho Sakaino, Tsukuba University, Japan
  • Yuki Yokokura, Nagaoka University of Tech., Japan
  • Toshimasa Miyazaki, Nagaoka University of Tech., Japan

Technology for force control and force measurement of robots and mechatronics equipment is required. In this session, we will focus on the application of new force control and force sensing to various mechatronic devices and advanced robots.
For example, the purpose is to discuss faster and more accurate force control methods for industrial robots, force sensing and force control methods for mobile robotics, and advanced force control methods for various actuators and so on.

  • High Accuracy Force Control for Robotics
  • Force Control for Mobile Robotics
  • High Performance Force Control for Industrial Robot
  • Advanced Force Sensing for Mechatronics
  • Force Sensing and Control for Advanced Robotics

Organizing your special session

Once approved, it is the duty of the organizers to publicize their special session among researchers and practitioners in the field and attract sufficient number of papers.

Papers submitted to special sessions will undergo the same review process as regular papers. The special session chairs of the respective special session are responsible for organizing the review process, assuring at least three reviews per paper. This includes selection of reviewers from their peers.

Before starting the review process, session organizers must explicitly declare papers which present a conflict of interest for them. A conflict of interest arises where the judgement of a paper quality can be influenced by the organizers being authors or knowing some of the authors. To ensure independent reviews, this conflict must be marked as such in the submission system and the session Chairs notified so that they can arrange the review process.

A minimum of five accepted papers with authors from at least three independent institutions is required for each session. If a session has too few papers, accepted papers will be allocated to regular technical tracks wherever possible. In case of indication of weakly-organized special sessions, the conference organizers will offer advice, but reserve measures including cancellation of the respective special session.

Important Dates

Special Session Proposal
December 1, 2020
January 6, 2021
Tutorial Proposal
December 1, 2020
January 6, 2021
Full Paper Submission
January 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
March 5, 2021
March 15, 2021
Notification of Acceptance
March 15, 2021
March 31, 2021
April 5, 2021
April 15, 2021
April 17, 2021
Submission of Final Manuscripts
April 20, 2021
April 30, 2021
May 7, 2021
May 15, 2021
Deadline for Early Registration
20 May, 2021

IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society


ISIE 2021 Secretariat
c/o JTB Communication Design, Inc.
3-23-1 Shiba, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 105-8335, Japan
[email protected]
  • IEEE
  • IEE