For Authors
ISIE2021 moved from hybrid to full online conference.
With the development of COVID-19, the on-site conference was unfortunately cancelled due to the Japanese government declaring a state of emergency for pandemics in the metropolitan area and urban areas including Kyoto.
As a result, ISIE2021 moved from hybrid to full online conference.
All participation is required to attend their sessions online using Zoom and InfoVaya Virtual Platform.
Final Manuscript Submission Guideline
- Read reviews
Login to the submission system using the paper ID and password (Lost passwords can be retrieved) and view reviewers' comments by clicking on the button "View Review Results". - Improve your paper and submit final version
Revise the final version to account for reviewers' recommendations. Update the reference list with relevant recent citations from IES conferences and journals to help the audience appreciate the work in view of IES scopes of interest. Submit the final version in PDF format, by clicking on the button "Submit Final Version". Don't forget to provide index terms (8 to 10) taken in the IEEE Taxonomy in order to have your paper referenced accurately in the main scientific data bases. - Copyright
Complete the IEEE copyright release process, by clicking on the button "Sign the IEEE Copyright Form" (visible after final version submission). Note: If the final version is further modified and re-submitted, a new copyright release is necessary. - Register
Return to the conference website and go to the Registration page to register by the registration deadline ofMay 7, 2021 May 15, 2021May 20, 2021. One of authors must register as one of categories (IEEE-IES Member w/one paper submission, IEEE Member w/one paper submission, Non-member w/one paper submission) no later than the final submission deadline in order to have their papers published in the proceedings. For the submission of the second and subsequent papers, a flat fee of 40,000 JPY will be charged for each additional paper, regardless of membership category.
Instructions for Authors
Papers must be written in English. Full paper length (up to 6 proceedings pages), including figures, are allowed for each paper. Up to two additional pages with overlength page charge (JPY5,000 for each extra page) are allowed. Papers exceeding 8 pages will not be accepted. Papers should follow the IEEE double-column format (A4 size) for ISIE2021-Kyoto.
- Standard IEEE conference templates are found here:
- Detailed guidelines for creating manuscripts are found here:
Paper submission
Final manuscripts must be submitted via IEEE IES ISIE2021 Manuscript Submission System before the deadline. Only PDF files will be accepted.
IEEE is very strict about the requirements for converting application files or PostScript files to full-text PDF for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. IEEE PDF eXpress Plus (Conference ID: 45552X)) is available for ISIE2021-Kyoto to check your PDF or convert your paper to PDF format. Please note that IEEE PDF eXpress Plus is not a manuscript submission system.
For each paper submitted to ISIE2021-Kyoto IEEE Copyright Form must be filled online via IEEE IES ISIE2021 Manuscript Submission System. Moreover, please add the appropriate copyright notice in the final manuscript. The appropriate copyright notice is to appear at the bottom of the first page of each paper per the guidelines set forth in the Cataloging / Copyright Instructions for an IEEE Conference Proceeding.
For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-9023-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 Crown
For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-9023-5/21/$31.00©2021 European Union
For all other papers the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-9023-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE
- LaTeX users can add the following lines just before the ¥begin{document} statement for the copyright notice to show up (shown below as an example for the fourth case above):
- ¥IEEEoverridecommandlockouts
¥IEEEpubid{¥makebox[¥columnwidth]{978-1-7281-9023-5/21¥/$31.00~ ¥copyright{} 2021 IEEE ¥hfill}
¥hspace{¥columnsep}¥makebox[¥columnwidth]{ }}
- MS Word users can use:
- 'Insert' → 'Text box', insert the appropriate copyright notice in the texbox, and place the box (without
border) at the bottom left on the first page.
Video record and upload
ISIE2021 requests you to prepare and upload a video of your presentation no later than May 31, 2021 to all types of presentation. All authors must prepare the presentation video. The videos that are not received by the deadline, will be considered as "no-shows" in accordance with the IEEE non-presented paper policy. In addition, the presenter must attend in the real-time discussion on Zoom. Please refer the instruction to upload the video file.
Instructions for Recording and uploading your presentation video
Submission period: Monday, May 24 – Monday, May 31, 2021
Publication Policy
The conference will publish and distribute at the conference a Conference Proceedings with copyrighted content. All presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore. No-show papers are copyrighted and cannot be re-published without permission from the IEEE. Papers that do not meet all three below requirements (A, B, and C) will be removed after the conference, and will not be submitted to IEEE Xplore. No registration refund will be given in any case.
A. Submit publication materials
The author must submit the final version of manuscript and IEEE Copyright Form before the final manuscript deadline. These are submitted through the paper submission system.
B. Pay full registration fee
Authors must pay the full regular registration fee by May 7, 2021 May 15, 2021 May 20, 2021. Discounted registration fees such as student registration will not be considered as regular registration fees and will not be eligible for publication. Note: In the regular registration, each author can only publish one paper.
C. Present the work (On-line, On-site, On-demand)
- Presentation is defined as one of the following:
- By author: Ideally, If the primary author and any of the co-authors will attend the conference either on-line or on-site and present their contribution. This is the classical way of participating in conferences, and authors gain the greatest professional benefits.
- By video: If none of authors can attend due to COVID-19 and so on, on-demand presentation is acceptable.
- Papers which will not be presented at the conference WILL NOT be included in IEEE Xplore and the registration fees WILL NOT be refunded.
Presenters should prepare to present their work and answer audiences questions within 20 minutes (15 minutes on-line/on-site presentation, 5 minutes for questions and discussion on-line/on-site).
Important Dates
- Special Session Proposal
December 1, 2020
January 6, 2021- Tutorial Proposal
December 1, 2020
January 6, 2021- Full Paper Submission
January 15, 2021February 15, 2021March 5, 2021
March 15, 2021- Notification of Acceptance
March 15, 2021March 31, 2021April 5, 2021April 15, 2021
April 17, 2021- Submission of Final Manuscripts
April 20, 2021April 30, 2021May 7, 2021
May 15, 2021- Deadline for Early Registration
- 20 May, 2021
- ISIE 2021 Secretariat
- c/o JTB Communication Design, Inc.
3-23-1 Shiba, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 105-8335, Japan