Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ISIE2021 Organizing Committees are carefully monitoring its situation.
For tutorials, whole program will take place in zoom (online) on June 20th.
Further information (how to participate) will be updated on this website as a later date.
The list of approved tutorials for ISIE2021 is as follows:
Tutorial 01:Emerging Applications and Designs of High-Frequency Wireless Power Transfer Systems
- Time
- June 20th (Sun), 2021 15:00-16:50JST
*Time slot has been changed. - Lecturers
- Ming Liu, Department of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Minfan Fu, School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University, China
- Chengbin Ma, University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
In this tutorial, we plan to comprehensively summarize and explain our leading work on the system-level approaches to high-performance multi-MHz WPT systems, with a particular focus on emerging applications and their design. First, we will give an in-depth overview of the high-frequency WPT operating at several MHz based on our intensive practice in recent years. Then, the following selected new developments will be explained in details.
1) Six-DOF Magnetic Field Shaping: In actual scenarios, the diversity and dynamics of the position / attitude of each receiving device have presented new needs and challenges for existing wireless power transfer systems, especially in terms of the transfer distance and angle. As a solution, we have proposed spatial six-degree-of-freedom magnetic field shaping based on the differential control of each coil in a transmitting coil array. Its major aspects will be systematically introduced, including modeling, position / attitude detection, optimal control and design, circuit topology and drive.
2) Multi-port Energy Router and Battery Equalizer: It is known that operating in the MHz bands helps eliminate magnetic cores, reduce coil size and increase the power density of energy routers and battery equalizer, but electromagnetic field analysis and power flow control become challenging. Without a magnetic core, the coil coupling coefficient in a MHz multi-port transformer is usually much lower than that of a conventional transformer. The multi-port transformer works closer to the inductive coupling coils in wireless power transfer systems, namely a multi-port wireless-coupled (MWC) transformer. In this tutorial, the system architecture, circuit topology and power flow control will be discussed to illustrate how to design and implement a high-performance wireless coupled multi-port energy router/battery equalizer.
3) Power Transfer through Metallic Structures: There are actual needs to wirelessly transfer power through metallic structures, such as powering a sensor separated by a metal barrier. A higher operating frequency is usually effective to improve the power transfer efficiency and minimize the size and weight on the receiving side. We will go through in detail a complete case study applying a 27.12 MHz operating frequency. The unique mechanism to transfer power through a large 3D-shaped metal sheet will be clarified and validated, which requires multidisciplinary knowledge in power electronics and radio frequency / microwave.
4) Capacitive Coupler Design and Compensation Synthesis: In addition to the near-field inductive coupling, capacitive coupling provides another solution for wireless power transfer, with many unique advantages, such as no need to worry about eddy currents, low cost, and light weight. The proper coupler structure will help improve the power and efficiency performance under various misalignment conditions. This tutorial will discuss the coupling characteristics of several coupler structures, such as horizontal couplers, vertical couplers and interleaved couplers. Based on the duality between IPT and CPT, a systematic decomposition and synthesis method will be discussed to design high-order compensation networks. This general method is to realize coupling-independent resonance, load-independent output, and zero-phase operation at the same time.
Further details available here
Tutorial 02:Digital Twin for Predictive Maintenance
- Time
- June 20th (Sun), 2021 13:00-14:50JST
*Time slot has been changed. - Lecturer
- Zheng Liu, School of Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia, BC, Canada
The industry is migrating from reactive to predictive maintenance to increase operational availability and efficiency. An exciting chance to facilitate this transformation is coming with the 4th industrial revolution triggered by new information and communication technology (ICT) and data-intensive methodologies (i.e., artificial intelligence and big data techniques). The Internet of Things (IoT) brings together sensors, cloud computing, and big data analytics and will profoundly transform our society into a digital world. Industrial IoT, also known as IIoT, is the use of IoT technologies in industrial applications where robustness, reliability, and security are highly desired performance requirements for IIoT. The direct economic impact from IIoT is the implementation of predictive maintenance, which will turn the aggregated data and information into actionable decisions for asset maintenance. Predictive maintenance has the capability to determine when maintenance should be performed based on the actual conditions of the structures, components, and sub-systems. Once in place, predictive maintenance capabilities could eliminate added expenses such as expedited shipping costs for parts or supplies, reduce overtime expenses for crews and, most importantly, lead to fewer unplanned maintenance downtime events.
The digital twin is a disruptive technology that creates a living model of a physical asset for predictive maintenance. The living model will continually adapt to changes in the environment or operation using real-time sensory data and forecast the future of the corresponding physical assets. A digital twin can be used to proactively identify potential issues with its real physical counterpart. It allows the prediction of the remaining useful life (RUL) of the physical twin by leveraging a combination of physics-based (physics from first principles) models and data-driven analytics. The digital twin ecosystem comprises the sensor and measurement technologies, industrial Internet of Things, simulation and modeling, and machine learning.
This tutorial will describe the digital twin technology and highlight the computational intelligence for the digital twin ecosystem. The needs for predictive maintenance are identified from a comprehensive literature review. How to apply and implement the digital twin for predictive maintenance will be then introduced. Case studies will be presented in the tutorial to illustrate the process for digital twin development. Finally, the trends for future R&D; will be presented.
Further details available here
Tutorial 03:Cyber Security for Smart Grids
- Time
- June 20th (Sun), 2021 13:00-14:50 JST
- Lecturers
- Shantanu Chakrabarty, Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Biplab Sikdar, Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Power grids around the world have embarked on a modernization process to transform themselves into “smart” grids by integrating a wide range of advanced computing, communications and industrial control technologies. The resulting integration of information technology (IT) and operation technology (OT) networks also open up power grids to cyber threats, and recent cyber-security incidents that have caused large-scale power outages have highlighted the importance and urgency of securing power grids against cyber-attacks. This tutorial is intended to provide the attendees with a comprehensive overview of the cyber-security issues faced by smart girds, techniques and solutions for addressing them, and future research directions. This tutorial will start with an overview of cyber-threats faced by smart grids, the nature of adversaries, and common vulnerabilities. Next, the tutorial will focus on securing power grid control and operation against false data and malicious command injection attacks, and present defence mechanisms against such attacks. Finally, the tutorial will discuss practical aspects of securing smart grids as well as open problem and the future possibilities in attacks and countermeasures.
This is divided into three parts. The topics covered in each part are listed below.
- Part 1 (30 min + 5 min Q&A): Introduction to security for smart grids (Dr. B. Sikdar)
- Attacks, motives, and vulnerabilities
- Security models for SCADA, ICS, and smart grids
- Case study: Attacks on the Ukrainian power grid
- Part 2 (35 min + 5 min Q&A): Securing power grid operation and control (Dr. S. Chakrabarty)
- Taxonomy of attacks on grid operation and control
- False data injection attacks and methods to detect them
- Malicious command injection attacks and methods to detect them
- Part 3 (30 min + 5 min Q&A): Applied cyber security for smart grids (Dr. B. Sikdar)
- Implementing security control within a smart grid
- Protecting data and applications
- Case study: defending against Shamoon
- Future directions in cyber security considerations and countermeasures
Each of the parts will be followed by a question and answer session.
Further details available here
Tutorial 04:New Advances in Repetitive Control
- Time
- June 20th (Sun), 2021 13:00-14:50JST
- Lecturers
- Jinhua She, School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
- Lan Zhou, School of Information and Electrical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
- Jing Na, Department of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Kunming University of Science & Technology, China
- Quan Quan, Department of Automatic Control, Beihang University, China
In control engineering practice, many systems exhibit repetitive behavior, such as a robot manipulator, a hard disk drive, and many other servo systems. Repetitive control has proven to be a useful control strategy for a system with a periodic reference input and/or disturbance signal. The distinguishing feature of repetitive control is that it contains a pure-delay positive-feedback loop, which is the internal model of a periodic signal. For a given periodic reference input, a repetitive controller gradually reduces the tracking error through repeated learning actions, which involves adding the control input of the previous period to that of the present period to regulate the present control input. This theoretically guarantees gradual improvement and finally eliminates any tracking error and provides very precise control, which is a chief characteristic of the human learning process.
From the standpoint of system theory, a repetitive control system is a neutral-type delay system. Asymptotic tracking and stabilization of the control system are possible only when the relative degree of a compensated plant is zero. To apply repetitive control to a strictly proper plant, which is the one that most control engineering applications deal with, the repetitive controller has to be modified by the insertion of a low-pass filter into the time-delay feedback line. The resulting system is called a modified repetitive control system. Since a modified repetitive controller is just an approximate model of a periodic signal, there exists a steady-state tracking error; that is, in a modified repetitive control system, the low-pass filter relaxes the stabilization condition but degrades the tracking precision. Thus, many studies have been devoted to solve the trade-off problem between stability and control performance in the design of a repetitive-control system.
In this tutorial, four speakers are going to explain the repetitive control method from the basic idea to the recently developed theoretical results and advanced applications. We first give the background and the basic idea of repetitive control. Next, we explain the configuration of a repetitive control system from the viewpoint of the internal model principle. Then, we show several methods of designing a repetitive controller. In particular, we explain some methods to solve the trade-off problem between stability and control performance. Finally, we present some application examples to show the validity of the method.
Further details available here
Tutorial 05:Hands-on Deep Learning Workshop for Industrial Applications
- Time
- June 20th (Sun), 2021 15:00-16:50JST
- Lecturers
- Daswin De Silva, Centre for Data Analytics and Cognition, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
- Rashmika Nawaratne, Centre for Data Analytics and Cognition, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
- Achini Adikari, Centre for Data Analytics and Cognition, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
Deep learning is gradually becoming a mature artificial intelligence paradigm in both research and practice. Supported by a substantial evidence base, it demonstrates increasing potential for industrial electronics and industrial informatics applications in factory automation, energy, manufacturing, transport, communication and human interfaces. This workshop aims to develop essential knowledge of deep learning with hands-on exercises in Python, using Google Collaboratory and Jupyter Notebooks. The workshop will begin by exploring the structural elements of deep learning models, hyper-parameters, and comparison to standard machine learning algorithms, followed by the theory and application of deep neural networks (classification), convolutional neural networks (image processing), and recurrent neural networks (time-series prediction). Participants will conduct hands-on experiments of each technique using benchmark and real datasets, for training, testing and evaluation. Each technique will be demonstrated in the context of real-world projects in Industrial settings. The learning outcomes of this workshop are; the theoretical foundations of deep learning - when to use and in which settings, the design and development of deep learning models, rapid prototyping, evaluation and deployment using Python.
Requirements: Participants will access Google Collaboratory using a Gmail account. A laptop with an Internet browser and a stable Internet connection is mandatory.
Further details available here
Tutorial 06:Electromagnetic Compatibility of Switched-Mode Power Supplies
- Time
- June 20th (Sun), 2021 15:00-16:50JST
- Lecturer
- Günter Keller, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Media Technology, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany
The tutorial "Electromagnetic Compatibility of Switched-Mode Power Supplies" is subdivided into several sections.
Starting with a brief overview of legal regulations, like CE mark and Declaration of Conformity, a selection of emission and immunity standards are presented. This includes the description of test set-ups, for example for measuring conducted emissions using conventional or STFFT based test devices and their detector circuits, as well as test parameters, like frequency ranges, based on European and International standards. Than the four coupling mechanisms (impedance, capacitive, magnetic and radiated) are discussed, based on components and PCB structures. Subsequently basic countermeasures are proposed and evaluated according meaningful applicability to switched-mode power supplies. The section signals and characteristics explains commonmode and differential-mode interferences as well as the Fourier Transform in detail with a number of waveforms, like rectangular, triangular and trapeziodal waveforms, which are typically for switched-mode power supplies. In particular switching transients are discussed against the background of wide band gap devices like GaN transistors. One large section discusses the origin of electromagnetic interferences referring to the previous sections. This section addresses some widely used circuits, their operating modes, like continuous conduction mode, discontinuous conduction mode and boundary conduction mode, and also parasitics of passive components, using high frequency equivalent circuits of capacitors, inductors and transformers, and active components, like junction capacitances and terminal inductances. A large number of examples is presented in form of measurements, simulations or calculations.
The second half of the presentation deals with EMC design of switched-mode power supplies, evaluating circuit and control issues. This section is subdivided into a number of subsections. Firstly the power factor correction is briefly presented. A large subsection addresses EMC filter, which is subdivided into pre filter and post filter. The filter structure is discussed according common-mode and differential-mode attenuation and source and load impedance. Problem solving approaches of the gap between measurements according standards and filter effectiveness are presented. Also design aspects of magnetic components are discussed. Followed by suitable components, which presents for example the impact of start of winding of a magnetic component, suitable circuits with soft-switching principles are compared to hard-switching circuits. After that shielding basics are presented, in particular the impact of holes for cooling purposes on electromagnetic shielding effectiveness. Finally PCB layout structures are evaluated and recommendations are presented. These investigations also address grounding, one of the most discussed topics in PCB design among engineers, as well as component placing and component selection, e.g. based on integrated circuit pin out.
Most aspects are explained by measured, simulated or calculated examples. Many examples are discussed against the background of electromagnetic compatibility as well as their impact on efficiency, lifetime and costs of the power supply. The tutorial contains on the one hand practical examples and uses on the other hand the basic physics of Maxwell for a principle understanding. Many principles can be transferred to other electronic circuits.
Approximately 600 slides are available. So the tutorial can take 110 minutes, four hours or a full day.
Further details available here
Tutorial 07:Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Automation in Industrial Applications
- Time
- June 20th (Sun), 2021 17:00-18:50JST
- Lecturers
- Daswin De Silva, Centre for Data Analytics and Cognition, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
- Damminda Alahakoon, Centre for Data Analytics and Cognition, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
- Donna Burnett, Centre for Data Analytics and Cognition, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
The exponential growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation has led to an increasing presence of industrial applications in human-centric and human-focused digital environments, such as smart cities, smart grids and smart mobility. As technological innovations become ambient and embedded in our everyday life, it is imperative that the design, development and application is lawful, ethical and trustworthy. Distinguishing from the theoretical and applied sciences, ethics was first described by Aristotle as Eudaimonia, the preservation and advancement of human wellbeing as the highest virtue of human society.
Aligning with these principles, industry, academia, and governments across the world have published guidelines for the ethics of AI and automation. These include the high-level expert group on AI appointed by the European Commission, the expert group on AI in Society of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the IEEE Global Initiative for Ethically Aligned Design, Association of Computing Machinery, Microsoft, Google, Amnesty International and many others.
Despite this prevalence of principles and guidelines, the real-world application and practice of ethics in industrial settings is still vague and unspecified. This tutorial aims to bridge the gap between policy and the practice of ethics of AI and automation in industrial applications, by following a structured approach that begins with an articulation of the established principles and guidelines, followed by the challenges of practical applications in industrial use cases and drawing out a workflow of ethics for such settings.
It is anticipated this tutorial will be beneficial to academics, research students, and industry practitioners alike in developing and advancing their skills and knowledge in ethics for AI and automation. This tutorial is supported by the Technical Committee on Technology Ethics and Society of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
The following topics will be explored;
- Overview and analysis of relevant ethics principles and guidelines
- Practical use cases of ethics in industrial and technology settings
- Workflow of ethics required for AI and automation in industrial settings
- Exercises and discussion on the practice and evaluation of ethics
Further details available here
Tutorial 08:Reliable Power Electronics for Affordable and Sustainable Energy Systems
- Time
- June 20th (Sun), 2021 17:00-18:50JST
- Lecturer
- Huai Wang, Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark
Power electronic converters are “CPUs” processing electrical energy from generation to end-use.
They play an essential role in renewable energy generation, smart grid, e-mobility, data centers, industrial automation, smart home appliances, and consumer electronics. With more than 70% of electricity processed through power electronics, optimizing the efficiency and reliability of converters is critical to affordable and sustainable energy systems. Industry-leading companies are making efforts to transition from product providers to service providers. The life-cycle performance of power electronic systems in industrial applications is becoming more and more critical. Power electronic converters are to be designed and manufactured by considering not only the time-zero performance but also the life-cycle performance in terms of reliability and efficiency.
This tutorial will present various case studies of the failure mechanism of critical power electronic components, lifetime and reliability modeling, and condition monitoring for predictive maintenance. Perspectives on research challenges and opportunities will also be put up throughout the discussions. The proposed outline of the tutorial is as below:
- The motivation for reliable power electronics (15 minutes)
- Beyond efficiency and power density
- Impact of reliability performance on life-cycle-cost and cost-of-energy
- Physics-of-failure of power electronic components (30 minutes)
- Type of failure and field experiences
- Failure mechanisms of power electronic components
- Concept of the mission profile
- Design for reliability of power electronic systems (30 minutes)
- Mission profile-based reliability prediction for power electronic systems
- Reliability-oriented design and case studies
- Condition monitoring for predictive maintenance of power electronic converters (30 minutes)
- Application demands for condition monitoring of power electronic converters
- Case study on a converter-level non-invasive condition monitoring method
- Case study on a digital-twin based condition monitoring method
- Final Q&A and wrap up (5 minutes)
Further details available here
Tutorial 09:Engineering Industrial Systems of Cyber-Physical Systems from an Industry 4.0-Perspective
- Time
- June 20th (Sun), 2021 17:00-18:50JST
- Lecturers
- Armando Walter Colombo, Institute for Industrial Informatics, Automation and Robotics (I2AR), Hochschule Emden/leer, Germany
- Stamatis Karnouskos, SAP, Germany
In this tutorial an overview of key challenges appearing across the value chain of an organization that utilizes Cyber-Physical Systems is presented. Specifically, the challenges related to specification, design, implementation, and operation of Cyber-Physical System(s) in the larger context of the Industry 4.0, Service-oriented and Systems-of-Systems paradigms, will be addressed.
Industrial Systems of Cyber-Physical Systems (ISoCPS) is a collective term for technologies, concepts, and novel business approaches of the whole value chain organization, combining Cyber-Physical Systems, the Internet-of-Things and the Internet-of-Services into a Digitalized and Networked Industrial / Business Ecosystem.
After presenting the scientific and technical background behind ISoCPS, highlighting features such as structural, operational, and managerial independence of the shop floor and supply chain constituent systems, interoperability, plug and play, self-adaptation, reliability, energy-awareness, high-level cross-layer (vertical and horizontal) integration, cooperation and management, security, ethical aspects, among others, the audience/participants of the Tutorial will get a deep view about:
- Digitalization and Networking of the economy. Principles.
- Building industrial eco-systems of digitalized and networked things/assets. Industry 4.0.
- Formalizing the digitalization and networking principles with the 3D RAMI4.0 DIN SPEC 91345 and Implementing the Asset-Administration-Shell Technology.
- Understanding why and how to fulfill the major requirements for an adequate industrial digitalization, engineering, and operation of ISoCPS?
- Understanding how to migrate from Industry 3.0 to Industry 4.0 environments. Analysis and discussion of results of exemplary innovation projects.
- Emerging technologies and implications e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Security, Ethics
Further details available here
Important Dates
- Special Session Proposal
December 1, 2020
January 6, 2021- Tutorial Proposal
December 1, 2020
January 6, 2021- Full Paper Submission
January 15, 2021February 15, 2021March 5, 2021
March 15, 2021- Notification of Acceptance
March 15, 2021March 31, 2021April 5, 2021April 15, 2021
April 17, 2021- Submission of Final Manuscripts
April 20, 2021April 30, 2021May 7, 2021
May 15, 2021- Deadline for Early Registration
- 20 May, 2021
- ISIE 2021 Secretariat
- c/o JTB Communication Design, Inc.
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Tokyo 105-8335, Japan